Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Someday, somehow, somewhere
all I know is that you will be in me forever
but how?? how could it be?? You're not mine now, and you don;t Even care for me at all. . When would the time come that you'll realize you still Love me. . WHEN????
I'm trying to escape this feelings I have for you to come back, but as time goes by I found myself graving. .
as time passes by I found my heart catastrophizing. . . ='(
~you know who you are~

"Why Am I Keep on Thinking of You?"

Why Am I keep on thinking of you?
that in fact you don't even know me,
you don't even know my name. .

Why Am I keep on thinking of you?
that in every time I see you,
you're just passing me by. .

Why Am I keep on thinking of you?
that even me myself don't know what to do,

I want to escape. . really. .

Why Am I keep on thinking of you??

Monday, August 4, 2008

Am I Really HAPPY???

It's been a month for i don't see you. . It's been a hundred minutes that i don't hear your voice. .
But it's OK. . and I will be OK. .

What am i trying to do is that keep away myself from you, because you know what?? I hate the way that is used to be. . I don't really know if I'm truly happy or what??? i miss you. . I just can't really help it. . but. . but. . . I'D RATHER DO NOTHING BUT HAPPY THAN DO THINGS THAT I DON'T LOVE. .

but I'm in silence now. . reminiscing the past and realizing that I GO CRAZY WITHOUT YOU. .

Waiting for you in silence. . =)

Friday, February 22, 2008

8'z too late to APOLOGIZE coz u'r already a TATTOO in my heart that is why you are the reason 4 the TEARDROPS ON MY GUITAR and everytime i see your BUBBLY face, that's the time I realize that you are my ONE LOVE and at the end of day i am still YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL! "


Monday, August 6, 2007

The Real Essence of Life

"You're no good for anything"
Have you ever been told this?
"How can anyone love me? I'm not worth it!!"

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wished you we're someone else? If you answer yes, well you are in a majority. Probably, everyone who has ever lived wished they could change at least one thing about themselves; nose, their height, their personality- something. . .

While I am walking I stop for a while and think of the things that I don't have. Then, I realized that the happiest moment of the people don't necessary have the best of everything that comes along their way. Money, looks, possessions,fame. They all have one thing in common: they're not guaranteed. Even if we have them they are all temporary. It's true that we dont have what we've got until we've lost it, but it is also true that we've been there until it arrives. Now, I'm always thinking why we dont often see the reason, why we don't always get what we want but in the end of it all we can realize that we wanted is not really meant for us at all. Everything's happen with a reason when you feel down because you didn't get what you wanted just SIT, RELAX, and WATCH peolpe paqssing by. That's life!! Sometimes up, sometimes down. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad. Almost oerfect but it's not. . . That's really life is. . and this is life. Hard yet beautiful. There are many problems that comes but we must have to face it and take those risky challenges thzt comes in our lives. Just remember that you must not misled by our restless and countless struggles. We are not alone because GOD is staying and here for us always. Planning and guiding us to what kind of life we take. . .=)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Most Valuable Thing. . .

Hi guyz!Whew! ! How do I get in started? ?wOoOhH. . It's very confusing huh. . really! What am I gonna do? ? huhu. . help!!=(. . While doing this another post about the topic which had given to us by our Instructor "most valuable thing" I did realized that I have so many valuable things right now and I must be take care of having that things. What are those things? ? hehe, first of having my parents even though I don't have a perfect family because we're not living as a happy family but at least I have my mother and father who gave birth to me, and who are very supportive parents, and my two cute brothers. . =) Secondly, is my studies in which I really have to give more importance in order for me to fulfill my goals in life. I must have to keep in focus in whatever I wish to become. Concentrate with what am I doing and should be prioritize first my study so that I will be a successful one. And that statement leads me to do things right. Other is for having a unique personality, for having my brain. . haha. .and for having my talents.And lastly are the people who surrounds me. They are my friends, classmates, special someone who help me to become more better person(owh?), and to those other people existing in the world.

Now, I realied that what I have and what I am standing for right now are all valuable and I'd always prayed that those things will be handle properly. Just dont dare to forget God I know God knows our desires and he would never fail us. . and always ask wisdom to God guyz, like what I always did. . mwaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Hmmm?!Looking forward for the sake of my future. . =)

Well, talking about my Prelim exam here in the UIC. It's good so far, and I should be thankful for our teachers who helped us to have more learning's even if it is not that enough for us but at least we had learned and that's the important. While I am taking the exam I keep on smiling. Why? It's because I know that I can pass it. I am very relax and calm on that Prelim examination day. Even though, I fail to get the very highest score still I am contented, for at least I don't have the lowest score. I know my scores are in the moderate level. I like the UIC rule in terms of examination because they are not tolerating the students to be an dependent and irresponsible one. One good thing about this is that they are training the students in a good and proper way.
Maybe, I should take a look forward to the upcoming Midterm examination so that I can get the highest score. And, I will give more time to study my lessons than before and continue my good doings. .